A unique approach tailored for you...
My program is based upon the Mindful Eating, Conscious Living™ Training developed and taught by Jan Chozen Bays, MD and Char Wilkins, MSW and offered through the University of San Diego’s Center for Mindful Living. I am a certified as a Mindful Eating, Conscious Living teacher.
What is Mindful Eating?
There is no one way to treat the very complex issues surrounding eating habits and behaviors. At the heart of my approach is the core belief of making peace with one’s relationship to food, body and mind will lead to grounding and embodiment. This is not about dieting. It's about learning to listen to your inner wisdom over time and, with practice, becoming whole again.
Through the practice of mindful eating, Karen will show each client that every person's relationship with food reflects how they approach and cope with other areas of their lives. Therefore, if we make an adjustment in one area, it affects the other. Fluidity, balance, compassion, curiosity and investigation are some of the core principles guiding this work.
Also, as with many personal struggles, shame and judgment creep in. This can prevent the client from resolving food issues that cause them distress and keep them stuck in a painful cycle. Letting go of judgement and inner critic dialogues that drive the cycle of self-destructive behaviors is a passion and philosophy that I will work with each client to understand and apply to his or her own life.
There is no one-size-fits-all solution here. Through a combination of mindful eating, compassion and nutrition education, Karen will work with each client to create a treatment plan that is unique to that individual.
To set up a consultation please fill out the form on the contact page by clicking here.
Mindful Eating, Conscious Living Resource